Evergreens for Ever

As part of the Braubach Castle Festival: Hits from four decades - at Philippsburg Castle in Braubach.
Evergreens for Ever
Evergreens for Ever


Sat, 8. Jun 2024, 20:00 o'clock - Sun, 9. Jun 2024
Sat, 15. Jun 2024, 20:00 o'clock


Braubach Stage Schloss Philippsburg, Braubach (in case of rain the event will take place indoors)


Verein zur Kulturpflege Mittelrhein e.V.

The cultural summer at Philippsburg Palace

Evergreens for Ever

There are songs that are more or less forgotten after a short time, that disappear from the public eye after a short time in the charts. And then there are songs that retain their popularity for decades, are frequently covered and endure, even when musical tastes change.
They are and remain evergreens.

Whether John Miles' "Music was my first love", songs by Frank Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, Bob Dylan or Abba, they have all made music history.

Four top-class artists and a live band present an evening to fall in love with as part of the Braubach Castle Festival, an evening full of memories of magical decades with pop songs, ballads and chansons from four decades in the equally magical ambience of Philippsburg Castle.

With: Silva Heil, Karl Krämer, Jule Menzel-King and Ulrich Cleves with band

Category A 24,- Euro / reduced 21,- Euro
Category B 21,- Euro / reduced 18,- Euro

Discounts are available for schoolchildren, students and people with severe disabilities and proof of disability.

Click here for the tickets:

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