Deadline for journalism

How we can avoid becoming a disinformation society. Reading and author talk with Frank Überall at the Willy Brandt Forum in Unkel.
Deadline for journalism
Deadline for journalism


Tue, 21. Jan 2025, 18:00 o'clock




Willy-Brandt-Forum Unkel and Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung

The end of media truthfulness?

Journalism under pressure from misinformation and disinterest

Frank Überall has written ‘Deadline for journalism? How we can avoid becoming a disinformation society’, a highly topical non-fiction book, which he presented at the Willy Brandt Forum in Unkel.

The media are under enormous pressure - both politically and technically. The value of professional news and factual analyses seems to be declining dramatically in favour of populist messages. However, good and independent journalism is vital for democracy. What will the press landscape look like in 20 years? How do we want to be informed in the future? How can experts in this profession continue to exist? How do we counter increasing attempts at disinformation?

Frank Überall, long-standing chairman of the German Journalists' Association, reporter and media expert, outlines various scenarios for the future development of journalism and shows ways in which informative media can function in the future. The central question is whether and how they will adapt to the changed reception conditions. While the essential standards and ethical foundations of journalistic work will not change, the ‘form of presentation’ will be increasingly diverse and variable.
Frank Überall, born in 1971, currently works for WDR and ARD in particular. The social and media scientist teaches at the Media University of Applied Sciences in Cologne.

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