Arenfels Castle
Arenfels Castle

Arenfels Castle

Motif  series:
Castles and palaces an the rhine river

More details

Tourist-Information Bad Hönningen
Tourist-Information Bad Hönningen

Discount on hiking maps: Westerwaldsteig and Limeswanderweg.

Yes, various taler motifs are available on site.

Tourist-Information Bad Hönningen
Hauptstraße 84
D-53557 Bad Hönningen
Phone: +49 2635 2273
Fax: +49 2635 2736
E-mail: tourismus(at)

Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 16:00

Saturday and Sunday closed

Photo © Tom Schrade, Schrade-Kunst
- Kristall Rheinpark-Therme

Photo © Marco Rothbrust Fotografie
- View over the Rhine to Bad Hönningen
- Hammerstein church

Photo © Jugendherberge Kloster Leutesdorf
- Leutesdorf Youth Hostel

Photos © Tourist-Information Bad Hönningen

Tourist-Information Bad Hönningen
Hauptstraße 84
D-53557 Bad Hönningen
Phone: +49 2635 2273
Fax: +49 2635 2736
E-mail: tourismus(at)

Mineral and thermal spa resort
Bad Hönningen

The hospitable town on the Lower Middle Rhine, with historic buildings, many restaurants, hiking, sports and wellness facilities.

The charming spa town is a state-recognised mineral and thermal spa resort and is located on the sunny side of the Rhine.

The Tourist-Information Bad Hönningen

is your competent contact for information on organising your stay in Bad Hönningen and Rheinbrohl.

Whether you are on holiday, on a health cure or on a weekend trip, we will be happy to help you find the hotel and guesthouse rooms or flats you are looking for.

The tourist information office has a host catalogue, calendar of events and information on excursions available for you. We also offer a bicycle hire service with comfortable city bikes during opening hours.

Package deals on wellness, hiking, cycling, the Limes and wine round off our offer.

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