The thalers are engraved by hand. The production is very complex, but the result and the quality speak for themselves.
We want to reach all those people who care about their home and value having something lasting in their hands.
... are valid at more than 120 companies - between Duisburg and Speyer. "Rheintaler" can also be used by companies on the Ahr river and Moselle river.
... are valid at designated companies on the Ahr. Ahrtaler can also be used at all companies along the Rhine river.
... are valid at designated companies on the Moselle river.
... are not connected to any network. Due to their beautiful motifs, "Elbeltaler" are suitable for collecting and giving as gifts.
As a rule, we speak to the cities and municipalities from which we receive possible thaler motifs. Motifs are also suggested and planned by the following institutions, among others:
Also people from the private environment who, for example, would like to give away a beautiful souvenir for a specific anniversary that was celebrated, a classic car, a ship or another vehicle that they would always like to carry with them, a souvenir of a loved one or a person, that has stood out positively and would like to immortalize it as a thaler motif are Rheintaler customers and -lovers and creator of ideas for thaler motifs.
In this way, a large number of thaler motifs were created that can be found on the Rhine river between Duisburg and Speyer - that's around 400 kilometers of river.
So if you would like to have a beautiful motif embossed on a Rhine Valley, please contact us: