The Drachenfels is a world-famous mountain in the Siebengebirge.

Because of the many tourists from the Netherlands, it is also known as the highest mountain in Holland.

It is 321 metres high and is visited by over 1 million people every year. The ruins of Drachenfels Castle, which was begun in 1138 and completed in 1167, stand on the summit.
According to legend, it was here on the Drachenfels that Siegfried from Xanten defeated the dreaded dragon, to whom a virgin had to be sacrificed from time to time.
In 1634, the castle fell into disrepair and the quarries on Drachenfels put the castle in danger.
Quarrying was banned in 1807 and the hilltop was bought by the Prussian government in 1836.


Serie: Denkmäler

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